Rates of mail delivery for consignments from hand to hand in far abroad countries
Direction |
up to 0.5 kg rate, €* |
up to 1 kg rate, €* |
+ 1 kg rate, €* |
Terms |
Australia - others cities |
82.73 |
91.58 |
35.43 |
4-5 |
Australia - Sidney |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-6 |
Austria - Vienna |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-5 |
Austria - others cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Albania - Tirana |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Albania - other cities |
84.03 |
101.73 |
35.43 |
5-8 |
Algeria |
84.03 |
109.53 |
51.03 |
5-8 |
American Saoma |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-8 |
Angola |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Anguilla |
84.03 |
101.73 |
35.43 |
5-8 |
Andorra |
84.03 |
101.73 |
35.43 |
5-8 |
Antigua |
84.03 |
101.73 |
35.43 |
5-8 |
Argentina |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
5-8 |
Aruba |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Afghanistan |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Bahamas |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Bangladesh |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Barbados |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Bahrain |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Belize |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
4-6 |
Belgium |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Benin |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Ivory Coast |
73.63 |
91.55 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Bermudas |
81.05 |
98.05 |
35.43 |
4-5 |
Burmah |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Bulgaria - Sofia |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Bulgaria - other cities |
84.03 |
101.73 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Bolivia |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Botswana |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Brazil - Rio |
73.63 |
99.13 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Brazil - other cities |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Caribbean |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan |
81.1 |
101.08 |
39.98 |
5-7 |
Brunei - other cities |
94.75 |
114.73 |
39.98 |
5-7 |
Burkina Faso |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Burundi |
94.75 |
114.73 |
39.98 |
5-7 |
Bhutan |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
5-8 |
Great Britain |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Hungary - Budapest |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Hungary - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
3-5 |
Venezuela |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
3-5 |
Virgin Islands |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Vietnam |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Gabon |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Haiti |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Gambia |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Ghana |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Guadeloupe |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Guatemala |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Guiana |
81.1 |
99.03 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Guinea |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Germany |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Gibraltar |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Honduras |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Hong Kong |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Grenada |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Greenland |
73.63 |
91.55 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Greece |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Guam |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Denmark - Copenhagen |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Denmark - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Djibouti |
73.63 |
91.55 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Dominica |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-7 |
Dominican Republic |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Egypt |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Zaire |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Zambia |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Zimbabwe |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Israel - Jerusalem |
73.63 |
97.5 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Israel - other cities |
81.1 |
104.98 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
India |
73.63 |
93.6 |
39.98 |
6-8 |
Indonesia - Jakarta |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Indonesia - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Jordan |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Iraq |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Iran |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Ireland |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Iceland |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Spain - Madrid |
58.35 |
72.8 |
31.15 |
5-7 |
Spain - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Italy - Rome |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Italy - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Yemen |
73.63 |
91.55 |
38.65 |
4-6 |
Cayman Islands |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Cambodia |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
4-6 |
Cameroon |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Canada - Ottawa |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Canada - Montreal |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-9 |
Canada - Toronto |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-9 |
Canada - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-9 |
Canary Islands |
73.63 |
91.55 |
38.65 |
4-6 |
Cape Verde |
83.65 |
100.48 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Qatar |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Kenya |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Cyprus |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Kiribati |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
China - Beijing |
73.63 |
93.6 |
39.98 |
4-6 |
China - Shanghai |
73.63 |
93.6 |
39.98 |
6-8 |
China - other cities |
73.63 |
91.55 |
35.88 |
6-8 |
Colombia - Bogotá |
81.1 |
101.08 |
44.93 |
6-8 |
Colombia - other cities |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Comoro Islands |
73.63 |
99.13 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Congo |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Costa Rica |
81.1 |
106.6 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Cuba |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Kuwait |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Laos |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Lesotho |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Liberia |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Lebanon |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
7-9 |
Libya |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Liechtenstein |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Luxemburg |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Mauritius |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Mauritania |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Madagascar |
94.75 |
114.73 |
39.98 |
4-6 |
Macao |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-9 |
Macedonia |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Malawi |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Malaysia - other cities |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Mali |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Maldives |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Malta - Valletta |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Malta - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Martinique |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Marshal Islands |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Mexico |
81.1 |
104.98 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Micronesia |
112.95 |
138.45 |
54.68 |
6-8 |
Mozambique |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Monaco |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Mongolia |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Montserrat |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Morocco |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Nambia |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Nauru |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Nepal |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
6-8 |
Niger |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Nigeria |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
the Netherlands |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
6-8 |
Nicaragua |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
New Zeeland - Cambert |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
New Zeeland - Auckland |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
New Zeeland - other cities |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
New Caledonia |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Norway - Oslo |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-7 |
Norway - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
58.35 |
72.8 |
31.23 |
7-9 |
Oman |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Cook Islands |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
4-6 |
The Isle of Man |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
5-6 |
Pakistan |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Palau |
112.95 |
136.83 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Panama |
81.1 |
104.98 |
51.45 |
4-6 |
Papua - New Guinea |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Paraguay |
81.1 |
104.98 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Peru |
81.1 |
104.98 |
51.45 |
5-7 |
Poland- Warsaw |
58.35 |
72.8 |
31.23 |
5-7 |
Poland - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Portugal - Lisbon |
58.35 |
72.8 |
31.23 |
5-7 |
Portugal - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Ruanda |
73.63 |
97.5 |
51.45 |
4-7 |
Rumania - Bucharest |
58.35 |
72.8 |
31.23 |
4-7 |
Rumania - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Saipan |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Salvador |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Saudi Arabia |
81.1 |
99.03 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
North Korea |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Northern Mariana Islands |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Seychelles |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Sierra Leone |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
Singapore |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Senegal |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Slovakia - Bratislava |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Slovakia - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Slovenia - Ljubljana |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Slovenia - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Surinam |
94.75 |
112.68 |
38.65 |
5-7 |
USA - New York |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
USA - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Taiwan - Тайпей |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Taiwan - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Thailand - Bangkok |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-6 |
Thailand - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-9 |
Tanzania |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Togo |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-8 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Tunisia |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Turkey |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Uganda |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Uruguay |
94.75 |
118.63 |
51.45 |
6-8 |
Faroe Islands |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-6 |
Fiji Islands |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
5-7 |
Finland - Helskinki |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Finland - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
France - Paris |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
France - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Croatia - Загреб |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Croatia - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Chad |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Czech Republic - Praque |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Czech Republic - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
Chile |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
6-8 |
Switzerland - Zurich |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Switzerland - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
4-7 |
Sweden - Stockholm |
58.35 |
72.8 |
28.93 |
4-6 |
Sweden - other cities |
73.63 |
91.33 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Sri Lanka |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
4-6 |
Ecuador |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
4-6 |
Equatorial Guinea |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Eritrea |
94.75 |
120.25 |
51.03 |
4-6 |
Ethiopia |
94.75 |
112.45 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
South Africa |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
South Korea |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Jamaica |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Japan - Tokio |
109.38 |
127.08 |
35.43 |
5-7 |
Japan - other cities |
81.1 |
98.8 |
35.43 |
6-8 |
- The costs on custom clearance of cargoes (if it is necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation) are paid by a Customer additionally to price rates agreed between sides.
- Price rates are in € (VAT included).
- Terms of delivery do not include the receipt day, weekends and holidays. If the last day of delivery is a weekend or holiday, consignment is delivered the next business day. Moreover, terms of delivery do not include weekends and holidays in accordance with the legislation of recipient countries.
- We give a document confirmed consignment delivered to a recipient (invoice) on demand.
- Cargo consignments are delivered in business days from 9.00 till 18.00 in local time.

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