- Cooperation with certified shredarny;
- Environmentally friendly process of destruction;
- Economy of money at additional hiring of packers and motor transport;
- Absolute confidentiality;
- Providing all necessary documents following the results of the performed work;
ZEST-EXPRESS offers the full range of services on documents destruction and utilization.
We offer complex solution of tasks connected with documents destruction:
- arrival to the customer’s office;
- release of racks, cases, etc. archive from documents;
- unstitching file folders and dredging of documents from them;
- packing documents in special container: bags/box (further - special container) and their security seal (processing by an adhesive tape);
- set of pick-up and pick-off works (pick-up and pick-off of the documents packed into special container on the car of the Contractor);
- documents transportation to a destruction place;
- arranging of the direct documents destruction.
Terms of performance: after the date of transmission of documents, it is carried out continuously, before its full completion.
Following the results of the performed work the act of destruction of documents with the indication of weight is provided to the customer
The cost of service makes 13,50 rubles/kg (cost is specified including VAT (18%)).

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