Participation of ‘ZEST-EXPRESS’ company in International Economical forum
On 6th to 7th of November in Seoul, the next annual International Economical forum took place dedicated to issues of development of innovational economics of Korea Republic and perspectives of its partner interrelations with Russia. An active participation in work of the forum was taken by the company 'ZEST-EXPRESS' represented by Chairman of Board of Directors Kartoshkin G.A.
On plenary sessions of the forum, issues were discussed concerning an impact of European crisis on Eurasian economics, partnership between Russia and South Korea in area of innovations and modernization, internal economical priorities of Russian Federation and Korea Republic on the way of post-crisis development. A forum agenda consisted also of thematic meetings dedicated to investments and trade, real estate and building, finance and banks, energy efficiency and cost-effective use of resources, high technologies and innovations, telecommunications and connection, tools for financial support of small and rank business, advertisement market, transport and transportation systems as well as juridical support for business and protection of rights for intellectual property.
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