- Новости
In connection with the seasonal closure of the ferriage over Lena the river.
We wish to draw up your attention that under choosing of railway deliveries to Yakutsk the town, one needs taking into account the seasonal closure of the ferriage over the Lena river for the period from 15.10.2012 till 20.12.2012 in connection with the prescription of the Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). In this respect, the following shipment variants are still possible:
1. By railway to Yakutsk, cargo up to 160 kg (one place) with dimensions L/W/H: 1.8/0.8/1.0. The shipment cost is subject to co-ordination.
2. By railway to Neryungri. All the cargos will be on free storage till the ferriage re-opening, afterwards they will be delivered to Yakutsk.
3. Delivery to Yakutsk by air traffic.
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